Winged Beans Short


138 in stock

SKU: ss_wngdbnsht-veg Category:


Winged bean also known as four angel bean is a tropical legume plant. Wing beans are light green and elongated with a square shape and four feathery winged accents running from tip to end. The pods are straight and curved with a smooth and waxy surface. They can grow up to 25-30 cm long. They grow on climbing stems and vines like other legume varieties. Winged bean is nutrient rich, and all parts of the plant are edible. Winged bean thrives in hot condition, but it can easily adoptable plant in different climatic
conditions. Winged bean can be grow less fertile soil even in hard compacted soil, most of the farmers grow this as cover crop (nitrogen fixation and high biomass production) to improve soil health.

Rs 40 for a packet of 10 Grams Seeds


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