IN – Knol Khol


81 in stock

SKU: ssv021 Categories: ,


  • Brand: Sahaja Seeds
  • Vendor: Desi Seed Producer Company Limited
  • Details: Kohlrabi, also known as knol-khol or German Turnip, is a stout, round, tuberous vegetable in the Brassica family, the large family which also includes cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, collard greens, and brussels sprouts. This stem vegetable is native to Europe. Scientific name: Brassica oleracea (Gongylodes Group).Kholrabi is a perennial, cool season vegetable. It is grown all over the temperate climates for its succulent round shaped modified stem as well for its turnip-flavored top greens.
    • The price mentioned is per packet.
    • Quantity per packet: 100 seeds


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